Bringing Home Hardware from GLINTCAP 2016

Bringing Home Hardware from GLINTCAP 2016

Bringing Home Hardware from GLINTCAP 2016

The Great Lakes International Cider and Perry Competition comes but once a year and this year she was pretty good to us. We spent some time in Grand Rapids sharing Starcut, tasting ciders, hanging out with fellow cider makers, and even earning a few medals. In fact, we’ll be looking for a place to hang nine new medals this week as we took home five silver and four bronze!

The best news? Many of these ciders are currently available in bottles. In fact, Erraticus 1 – Erraticus 4 are now for sale at the pub and Short’s Mart, Pulsar and Squishy are currently available in bottles and kegs, and Octorock can be found on tap, in bottles, and in cans. Cider on the beach anyone?

Check out the list below for our cider award details.

New World Cider – Modern
Octorock, silver
Izabella, bronze
Pulsar, bronze

Fruit Cider
Erraticus #3, silver
Erraticus #4, silver,
Squishy, silver

Hopped / Herbal Cider
Olly Spexx, bronze

Wood Aged Cider and Perry
Erraticus #2, silver
Erraticus #1, bronze

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